Радио Иваново 106,7 FM

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Логотип Радио Иваново 106,7

Радио Иваново 106,7 - радиостанция в городе Иванове осуществляет трансляцию на территории Ивановской области. В планах Радио Иваново 106,7 FM расширить свое вещание на Костромскую область и Ярославскую область.


 Регионы трансляции
Радио Иваново 106,7 FMИвановская область
Костромская область
Ярославская область

6.088 × 1018

{{#sparql: select * where{ article:Modèle:Sparqlencode:Радио Иваново 106,7 FM ?p ?o . } }}

It is now home to 3,520,061",061" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 3.52. (as of July 31, 2012). The average rainfall is 106.3".3" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 106. days per year. This city measures 891.85 km²".85km²" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property. and has the coordinates 52° 31' 0.00" N, 13° 24' 0.00" E. It is located in the north of Germany, which itself is located in Europe.

Points of interest

Brandenburg Gate, Museumsinsel, Reichstag

Authority data

  • NDL ID: 00629494 00629494 is not possible because it is assigned to London
  • NDL ID: A <code>unique_value_constraint</code> constraint is assigned to the "NDL ID" property, therefore only unique value annotations are permitted. Радио Иваново 106,7 FM already contains an annotated value with "00629194", violating the uniqueness constraint for the current subject.
  • VIAF: A <code>unique_value_constraint</code> constraint is assigned to the "VIAF" property which only permits unique value assignments and the 154702072 value annotation was already found to be annotated in the "DemoBerlin" subject.

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