Utilisateur:Bertrand Gorge

De Semantic MediaWiki - Sandbox

Bertrand Gorge
I edit and browse <sandbox.semantic-mediawiki.org>.

1 - Activiti in Action (Has author: Tijs Rademakers), 11 - Agile ALM (Has author: Michael Hüttermann), 2 - Accelerando (Has author: Charles Stross), Accelerando (Has author: Charles Stross), Books, Das Glasperlenspiel, Herman Melville (Has author: Herman Melville), Judomo/Sandbox, Judomo/Sandbox (Has author: Philip K. Dick), A Doll's House (Has author: Henrik Ibsen), Absalom, Absalom! (Has author: William Faulkner), Anna Karenina (Has author: Leo Tolstoy), Around the World in Eighty Days, Beitrag zur Berichtigung der Urteile des Publikums über die Französische Revolution, Beloved (Has author: Toni Morrison), Berlin Alexanderplatz (Has author: Alfred Döblin), Billy Budd (Has author: Herman Melville), Blindness (Has author: José Saramago), Bostan (Has author: Saadi), Buddenbrooks (Has author: Thomas Mann), Catcher In the Rye, Children of Gebelawi (Has author: Naguib Mahfouz), Confessions of Zeno (Has author: Italo Svevo), Crime and Punishment (Has author: Fyodor Dostoevsky), Dead Souls (Has author: Nikolai Gogol), Diary of a Madman (Has author: Lu Xun), Die Klavierspielerin, Don Quijote De La Mancha (Has author: Miguel de Cervantes), Essays (Has author: Michel de Montaigne), Fairy tales (Has author: Hans Christian Andersen), Faust (Has author: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe), Fic1, Ficciones (Has author: Jorge Luis Borges), Gargantua and Pantagruel (Has author: François Rabelais), Great Expectations (Has author: Charles Dickens), Gulliver's Travels (Has author: Jonathan Swift), Gypsy Ballads (Has author: Federico García Lorca), Hack/Slash (Has author: Tim Seeley), Hamlet (Has author: William Shakespeare), History (Has author: Elsa Morante), Hunger (Has author: Knut Hamsun), Il Gattopardo, Iliad (Has author: Homer), In Search of Lost Time (Has author: Marcel Proust), Independent People (Has author: Halldór Laxness), Indiana, Invisible Man (Has author: Ralph Ellison), Jacques the Fatalist (Has author: Denis Diderot), Johann Christof, Journey to the End of the Night (Has author: Louis-Ferdinand Céline), King Lear (Has author: William Shakespeare), Le Père Goriot (Has author: Honoré de Balzac), Leaves of Grass (Has author: Walt Whitman), Les Miserables, Lolita (Has author: Vladimir Nabokov), Love in the Time of Cholera (Has author: Gabriel García Márquez), Madame Bovary (Has author: Gustave Flaubert), Mahabharata (Has author: Vyasa), Medea (Has author: Euripides), Memoirs of Hadrian (Has author: Marguerite Yourcenar), Metamorphoses (Has author: Ovid), Middlemarch (Has author: George Eliot), Midnight's Children (Has author: Salman Rushdie), Moby Dick (Has author: Herman Melville), Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable, the trilogy (Has author: Samuel Beckett), Mrs Dalloway (Has author: Virginia Woolf), Nineteen Eighty-Four (Has author: George Orwell), Njál's Saga (Has author: Unknown), Nostromo (Has author: Joseph Conrad), Odyssey (Has author: Homer), Oedipus the King (Has author: Sophocles), One Hundred Years of Solitude (Has author: Gabriel García Márquez), One Thousand and One Nights (Has author: Unknown), Othello (Has author: William Shakespeare), Pedro Páramo (Has author: Juan Rulfo), Pippi Longstocking (Has author: Astrid Lindgren), Poems (Has author: Giacomo Leopardi), Pride and Prejudice (Has author: Jane Austen), ProvaLibro, Père Goriot, Ramayana (Has author: Valmiki), Sandman - Dream Country, Sandman - Preludes and Nocturnes, Sandman - Season of Mists, Sandman - The Doll's House, Season of Migration to the North (Has author: Tayeb Salih), Sentimental Education (Has author: Gustave Flaubert), Siddhartha, Song of Ice and Fire, Sons and Lovers (Has author: D. H. Lawrence), Stories (Has author: Franz Kk), Tales (Has author: Edgar Allan Poe), The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Has author: Mark Twain), The Aeneid (Has author: Virgil), The Book of Disquiet (Has author: Fernando Pessoa), The Book Of Job (Has author: Unknown), The Brothers Karamazov (Has author: Fyodor Dostoevsky), The Canterbury Tales (Has author: Geoffrey Chaucer), The Castle (Has author: Franz Kafka), The Count of Monte Cristo, The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Has author: Leo Tolstoy), The Decameron (Has author: Giovanni Boccaccio), The Devil to Pay in the Backlands (Has author: João Guimarães Rosa), The Divine Comedy (Has author: Dante Alighieri), The Epic and Forgotten Story of Hispanic North America (Has author: Carrie Gibson), The Epic Of Gilgamesh (Has author: Unknown), The Golden Notebook (Has author: Doris Lessing), The Idiot (Has author: Fyodor Dostoevsky), The Life And Opinions of Tristram Shandy (Has author: Laurence Sterne), The Magic Mountain (Has author: Thomas Mann), The Man Without Qualities (Has author: Robert Musil), The Masnavi (Has author: Rumi), The Old Man and the Sea (Has author: Ernest Hemingway), The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Possessed (Has author: Fyodor Dostoevsky), The Quiet American, The recognition of Shakuntala (Has author: Kālidāsa), The Red and the Black (Has author: Stendhal), The Sound and the Fury (Has author: William Faulkner), The Sound of the Mountain (Has author: Yasunari Kawabata), The Stranger (Has author: Albert Camus), The Tale of Genji (Has author: Murasaki Shikibu), The Tin Drum (Has author: Günter Grass), The Trial (Has author: Franz Kafka), The Turn of the Screw, Things Fall Apart (Has author: Chinua Achebe), To the Lighthouse (Has author: Virginia Woolf), Ulysses (Has author: James Joyce), Venus in Furs, War and Peace (Has author: Leo Tolstoy), War and Piece, Wuthering Heights (Has author: Emily Brontë), Zorba the Greek (Has author: Nikos Kazantzakis)

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